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 10/31(水) 14:42
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 07/19(木) 11:35
>>Takumaの記事一覧 最大表示 10 件

2007年 10月 31日 (水) 14:42

Red Sox won as you said , Paul !
by Takuma

The world series of baseball game was over, and Red sox won the world series victory as you said before.
Now many people in Boston will be in excitement.
I understood many fans in a baseball stadium enjoyed the world series very much although it was very cold. Many audiences in a baseball stadium had worn the clothes for cold weather.
Matsuzaka had warmed up his hand in every time of his pitching.
I thought this time of a year would be very hard and also very happy for the baseball players.
I thought it was a good luck for Matsuzaka to get a win as the pitcher in the world series. And Okamura worked very good job of a relief pitcher. But Okamura was given two homers in last two games.
the two homers might be a dangerous signal for his pitching to next year. I think that Matsuzaka and Okamura would be hard in next year.
Of course I hope they will play an active part of the Red Socks team in next year more than this year.

2007年 10月 24日 (水) 20:01

Common sense is a sense of values with a “use-by date”.
by Takuma

Recently I read a column written by Mr. Masao Kimura who is now playing an active role as a freelance producer after retiring from the Yoshimoto Kogyo company as a general manager.
The story is as follows.
1. Common sense is a sense of values with a “use-by date”.
Common sense is a sense of values with a “use-by date”.
And common sense is the way of thinking that was dominant until yesterday.
So it is nothing but a sense of values with a time limit for use and a use-by date.
We cannot solve today’s problems using yesterday’s common sense.
We must make and use new formulas to solve new problems.
He says that there are period limitations and use-by dates concerning
the abilities of men, organizations, and systems.

2. There is value in using “use-by dates”
Are there people in your company who say the following things?
“I can’t formally consider this.” “There is no precedent.”
 “This is not my company’s usual practice.”
These types of people in your company will probably be soon past their “use-by date”.
3. Three points to extend your “use-by date”.
(1) Never state your opinions using the past tense.
For example, “I did it like this before”, “when I was younger, I did it like this”.
These previous examples are bad. It is important to use the present continuous.
(2)Never state your opinion using the third person singular.
  You should state that what you are saying is your opinion. Do not say “This person says this…”,
or “Many people believe this…”.
(3)You should rid yourself of others’ standards.
For example, if your wife spoke about your position like this:
“why didn’t you get promoted to the position of department chief like our next door neighbor did?”
These kinds of comparisons are wrong and will make you unhappy. When you think of comparing
yourself with someone else you should instead compare yourself with how you were in the past
and think about how you would like to be in the future.
   When you have a strong will to expand your achievements,
you will be extending the “use-by dates” of your values.
4. Middle aged people should keep the “5Ls” in mind.
Mr Kimura advises middle aged people, those over 50 or 60 years old, “Enjoy your middle age
with the image of the 5 Ls.” The 5 Ls are as follows:
1. Love 2. Laugh 3. Liberal 4. Link 5. Live
At the end of his story, he told us that the golden time of one’s life is after the age of 60 and we can extend our “use-by date” by our efforts.

2007年 9月 24日 (月) 06:53

There may be good news in September
by Takuma

I think we will probably feel more comfortable with the weather in
August of this year was especially hot in Japan.
Not only in Japan but also in many other countries of the world we watched a lot of news about natural disasters influenced by global warming as well as disasters and big accidents caused by humans.
By the way, we felt cool on September 1st when the maximum temperature
for the day was 28 degrees. I thought that something good would happen
to us in September. It was only that one day that we felt cool and
comfortable in September. The hot weather returned soon to the Kanto
region and the big typhoon No. 9 attacked us. Typhoon No. 9 did great
damage to a wide area from the center to the north of Japan.
We’re still in the first week of September. I’m concerned another natural
disaster may strike us in September.

When we think of disasters we must not forget about man-made disasters.
In particular this month I will watch the statements of Mr. Masuzoe, the
Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare. He said that anyone who
defrauds the pension system should be arrested and sent to jail.
I quite agree with Mr. Masuzoe. I heartily support the new Minister of
Health, Labor and Welfare.
Recently I heard a lot of bad news like the vested rights of government
officials, pension fraud, the lack of morals of a policeman, etc.
So I’m expecting good news about the punishment of pension frauds in September. When we get the good news, we will feel cool and comfortable . I wish to hear the news about the punishment of pension frauds as soon as possible.

{cf.}  natural disasters and large accidents in August

1. Minneapolis Bridge Collapse (Aug. 6)
2. Earthquake in Peru(Aug. 15)
3. a flood in North Korea(Aug.16)
4. an explosion of a China aircraft in Okinawa (Aug.20)
5. Hurricane Dean(Aug.20)
6. a forest fire in Greece (Aug.24) 

2007年 8月 27日 (月) 08:22

The Hallstatter lake
by Takuma

I took this shot from a sightseeing ship on Hallstatter Lake which is about two
hours by bus from Salzburg. Hallstatter Lake is one of the most beautiful lakes in
Europe and is loved by many summer visitors from around the world.
There are many beautiful spots around the lake. The tour conductor explained that
the scenery from the ship would be better than what we could see from the bus.
We walked to the lake side and boarded the sightseeing ship. It was only a five minute
cruise, but the scenery from the ship was truly the best. The day’s weather was perfectly
fine and took a happy but short rest enjoying the breeze. After lunch we had 40 minutes
of free time so I went to a souvenir shop to buy some salt which is produced in this
district. By the way, the bus from the tour from Frankfurt to Wien had 14,000
kilometers of mileage. We traveled on the sightseeing bus for about five or six hours
daily for four days.
I think sightseeing on the Romantic Road might be hard and tiring for those older than
middle age. Before traveling to our last destination, Wien, we took a good rest beside
this beautiful lake to recuperate a little from our fatigue.

2007年 8月 21日 (火) 10:16

About Asashoryu Problem
by Takuma

The sumo wrestling is the traditional sport in Japan.
And the sumo wrestling society has been feudalistic and established by decorum.
But these days, the people who try to be the sumo wrestler are not only Japanese but many foreigners. Every thing is now moving and changing in a global situation.
So, the Sumo wrestling association should consider this problem with having more flexibility. It would be abnormal situation in our Japanese society now. The broad casting company would be better not to talk and not to write so many about this news and they should take some summer holidays concerning this news.
I want to each editorial conference of big broadcasting companies to keep their companies value by using good sense.
I wish that the time would surely solve this problem on the end of this summer.
I think a happy conclusion would be the comeback of Asasyoryu who have a heart, technque, strong power, as the great Yokozuna.

My thinking : Asasyoryu! Don’t cut the limb you are standing on.
It's easy to solve your problem.It is a only ceremony to see a happy end.
1. at first, Asasyoryu and Oyakata have to apology their mistakes to Japan sumo Association., Asasyoryu should promise to do efforts to establish himself as the great Yokozuna.
3.the sumo wrestling association have to consider with flexibility.

2007年 8月 20日 (月) 07:58

by Takuma

Saltzburg is the fourth largest city in Austria with a population of 145,000.
This city is famous for being Mozart’s birthplace. It is known as “The Music City”.
The day’s weather was perfect. After breakfast I took a morning walk of about one hour with my wife. This photo was taken from a spot near the Saltzach river which was about a 20 minute walk from our hotel.
We visited the house of Mozart’s birth and saw his childhood room and his memorial exhibit. The rooms that we were allowed to see were three rooms on the fourth
floor of a five story apartment. He lived in this apartment until he was seven years old.The color of the apartment was yellowish, but the tour conductor told me
that it is called the “Maria Theresa” color. The apartment was located in the center of the city. Salzburg has many churches, as well as the famous concert hall in which Mozart’s 200th anniversary concert will be held at the end of this year. There were seven children in Mozart’s family, but only two, Mozart and his sister, survived to adulthood. In that age many people in Europe died prematurely from pestilence.

2007年 8月 9日 (木) 08:59

by Takuma

It rained early on this morning, but we left the hotel early to catch a glance of the famous and beautiful Neuschwanstein castle. There was some mist over the mountain, so we worried about not having a good view because of heavy rain. The tour conductor advised us on the best position for a photo.It was from a uspension bridge. But almost all of our tour mates stood there and took sveral shots while holding their umbrellas.
This snapshot was one of my best pictures of the day. After the photos we entered the castle and viewed its many rooms. I was not impressed by the Austrian Royal family’s regalia, but I was interested in the story of the demise of the ruling family.
The Austrian people of that age must have been quite disillusioned with their king, as he spent an inordinate amount of time and money on art, music, construction of castles and proliferate spending than in the daily affairs of his countrymen.
We have also visited many historical places in Japan that have experienced the cycle of prosperity and ruin. As I walked down the mountain I was thinking of these words:
“Even wealthy or great people eventually pass away.”

2007年 8月 2日 (木) 09:53

Romantic Road
by Takuma

On the third day of our tour in Germany, we traveled along the by bus from Rothenburg to Fussen. I heard that this road was called the“Romantic Road”. This road is well loved, especially by Japanese people. The beautiful old towns of the middle ages on the Romantic Road fascinate many tourists, and perhaps heal their spirits. There were many old buildings, old churches and old stone streets which were built over 800 years ago. Germans still use
those old buildings and stone structures in their everyday lives. I thought they were preserved beautifully. I walked around the old streets and had a good time making memories with my wife. She told me her impression of the Romantic Road.
It was so colorful that it could heal our hearts and make us feel nostalgic for old buildings.

2007年 7月 25日 (水) 09:32

A short trip of the Rhine River
by Takuma

I had a splendid time during a short trip of the Rhine river by ship with my wife.
The Rhine has played a very important role in the delivery of many industrial goods in
Europe. The Rhine is still important for shipping industrial goods within Europe.
Strangely, I didn’t see any bridges during our sightseeing course of the Rhine. The tour
conductor said that the reason was because all of the bridges over the Rhine were
removed as a defense against the enemy in war. The sightseeing bus rolled smoothly
on the expressway and we could see the green corn fields, green grass and light
brown wheat fields from the bus window. It looked like an oil painting which I had
seen somewhere. I discovered that there were no toll gates on the expressways in
Germany. I thought that this was a very good government policy that could also be realized in Japan.

2007年 7月 19日 (木) 11:35

by Takuma

We went on a Rhine river cruise at the beginning of our tour in Germany.Sightseeing on the Rhine was very beautiful. Along the Rhine river we saw many churches, towns, houses with red brown roofs, castles and the ruins of castles one after another.
The scenery seemed like a revolving lantern.
The day was cloudy, sometimes rainy, and a little cold. But I took a seat on the upper deck of the ship to see Loreley.
The tour conductor said to us that we would see Loreley on our right side shortly. Many passengers began to move to the right side of the ship with pleasurable anticipation. It was only a big rock and nothing else. I was disappointed by the sightseeing at Loreley.