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 06/09(火) 22:31
>>Sandraの記事一覧 最大表示 10 件

2009年 6月 9日 (火) 22:31

by Sandra

I have now been in Japan for over 8 months, mainly going to school, studying and spending time with friends.
It has been an exciting time for me, even if I have spent mainly all of my time in Tokyo, except for one time around Christmas when I went with a friend to Yokohama, which was very fun, even if my friend wanted me to speak japanese at a time when I only knew very basic grammar and could not form a good sentence, and did not understand anything that people said to me. But still, I am glad she brought me along! The view we had of Mt. Fuji from the Ferriswheel was just lovely!

Being in Tokyo, and meeting so many people from different cultures has really made me even more aware of the big differences there are between people. For example, in Iran, apparently, paying for other people when you leave a restaurant is something normal, even if the bill can be pretty high. This is something I experienced myself a couple of weeks ago when we were celebrating a friends birthday. It actually surprised me quite a bit, since that is not a normal thing to do in Norway; we do not split the bill or anything, we just pay for what we ordered ourselves.

Since coming to Japan, I have started to like the country even more, and I hope that I will get the chance to come back as quickly as posible!
Even if I have been learning quite a bit about japanese society and way of thinking in school, I have also learned quite a bit from working at Global Communications! It has really been an interesting time for me, and I am very glad that I was given the opportunity!
I hope everybody continues working hard on acchieving what they want, I will definately do the same!
