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 04/21(月) 23:54
>>Yoko.Mの記事一覧 最大表示 10 件

2008年 4月 21日 (月) 23:54

by Yoko.M

Recently,I was very shocked to watch the documentary movie "Rokkashomura Rapsody."There is a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Rokkasho village in Aomori prefecture.It is currently in a testing stage before begining full-scale operation.In a nuclear fuel plant,plutonium is removed from spent nuclear fuel.I heard that a year's worth of radiation is released into the environment in a day!The radiation accumulates in the vegetables,animals and sea food.Then it enters our bodies..How awful!
On the other hand,the plant provides jobs in this community where there is little other work.
But environmental problems like these affect everyone not only those living in the local area.
Information from both the supporters and opponents of this plant can be obtained on the internet.Personally,I prefer safer forms of energy.
I want a lot more people to know about this problem as it hasn't been reported very much by the mass media.
