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 08/29(土) 09:29
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2009年 8月 29日 (土) 09:29

Don't forget to Vote!
by Aaron Toussaint

I'm sure you have all noticed the signs in the train stations, in shop windows, and on buses. On August 30th, that's tomorrow, Japanese people go to the polls to elect new representatives, and probably a new prime minister as well. When I walked by the station this morning near my home in Koiwa, the communist party and the democratic party of Japan were both giving speeches and handing out campaign leaflets.

Even though I can't vote, I am looking forward to see the results. It seems like prim minster Aso is on his way out, and Mr. Hatoyama will likely be the new prime minister of Japan. I am also interested to see how the communist party does. They say that many young people are now joining the party, and it will be interesting to see if they turn out to vote.

Japanese politicians always seem to become unpopular soon after they win an election. It will be interesting to see how long the new government lasts, and what it will do to try and gain the trust of the people.

Everyone, don't forget to vote on Sunday!!!