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 08/11(月) 18:44
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2008年 8月 11日 (月) 18:44

The iPhone Craze
by Amy

The iPhone Craze

The iPhone has finally reached the public of Japan. The first-generation iPhone was never sold in Japan. I remember, however, when it first came out in the U.S. Thousands of people camped out in front of Mac Stores across California as they awaited the opening of the store to rest their hands on the then "new" iPhone. Now that the iPhone 3G has finally been released in Japan, I can only begin to imagine the craze that has swept over Japan. Yet, it isn't only the consumer who has become caught up in the hype of the iPhone. Although Softbank Mobile is presently the only service provider to offer the iPhone in Japan, other providers are scrambling to make deals with Apple so that they too, can join in the profiting business of Mac electronics.

We have become a technology-dependent world...