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 03/17(月) 22:46
 03/06(木) 21:39
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2008年 3月 17日 (月) 22:46

Back from the U.S.
by Eleanor

I just got back to Japan after being in the U.S. for a month. I took the Skyliner from Narita Airport to Ueno Station, and when I left the station, I was so surprised to see that some cherry blossoms had already started to bloom in Ueno Park. I hope there are still some ume blossoms left in Tokyo somewhere. I love them, and wouldn't want to miss seeing them this year. Of course, I love cherry blossoms too, and I am looking forward to having a party with my friends under the blossoms.
It was very exciting to be in the U.S. during the time when state elections were being held for the nominees for the presidential election. It seems that these elections have caught the interest of most Americans, and I found that most people were willing to offer their opinions. I could hear conversations about the candidates in coffee shops and restaurants, on trains and buses, and even in lines at supermarkets. I was glad to see so many people actively concerned about their country and its future.

2008年 3月 6日 (木) 21:39

US Presidential Nomination Race

Hello Everyone!

Have any of you been following the US presidental nomination race?

Although I'm not American I've been keeping track on the race with interest. John McCain seems to have wrapped up the Republican nomination but the Democratic race is wide open.

As of today Barack Obama is in the lead with 1,567 delegates. Hillary Clinton, however, is right on his tail with 1,467 delegates.

Obama looked like he had the momentum when he won 12 straight contests. But Clinton has fought back to win two important states, Texas and Ohio.

I think that either an Obama or a Clinton presidency would be inspirational to millions if not billions of people around the world.