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 09/23(土) 18:33
 09/10(日) 13:47
 09/06(水) 10:12
最大表示 10 件

2006年 9月 23日 (土) 18:33

月下美人 Dutchmans pipe cactus , A Queen of the Night
by Takuma

The flower named Gekkabijin was in bloom very slowly tonight.
The English name is “ Dutchmans pipe cactus, A Qeen of the Night”.
This flower bloom only one night in a year.
Last summer we could not see the moment beginning to bloom.
Fortunately my wife took some shots of the flower.
Why do they call the name as “Dutchmans pipe cactus”?
Do you know this question?

September 22, 2006
From Takuma

2006年 9月 10日 (日) 13:47

Summer vacation
by Shinichi.k

My wife and I went to Aso area in Kumamoto prefecture in Japan in our summer vacation. Aso area has large caldera which the distance of east and west is 18km, noth and south is 25km, and people live 50,000 in the caldera.
We climbed the highest(1592m) Mt. Tka-dake in Aso area. The weather was perfect and we could see fine view from the top of Mt.Taka-dake.

2006年 9月 6日 (水) 10:12

Happy Day!!!
by Jennifer

CONGRATULATIONS to Princess Kiko and Prince Akishino on the birth of their son! A new baby is always a good reason for celebration!

Typically in the U.S., friends and family give gifts to the new mother and baby. Some traditional gifts are a silver spoon or silver pacifier with the date engraved on it. These items can be easily seen at stores like Tiffany's.