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RingBlog ver.2.45a

2007年 8月 27日 (月) 08:22

The Hallstatter lake
by Takuma

I took this shot from a sightseeing ship on Hallstatter Lake which is about two
hours by bus from Salzburg. Hallstatter Lake is one of the most beautiful lakes in
Europe and is loved by many summer visitors from around the world.
There are many beautiful spots around the lake. The tour conductor explained that
the scenery from the ship would be better than what we could see from the bus.
We walked to the lake side and boarded the sightseeing ship. It was only a five minute
cruise, but the scenery from the ship was truly the best. The day’s weather was perfectly
fine and took a happy but short rest enjoying the breeze. After lunch we had 40 minutes
of free time so I went to a souvenir shop to buy some salt which is produced in this
district. By the way, the bus from the tour from Frankfurt to Wien had 14,000
kilometers of mileage. We traveled on the sightseeing bus for about five or six hours
daily for four days.
I think sightseeing on the Romantic Road might be hard and tiring for those older than
middle age. Before traveling to our last destination, Wien, we took a good rest beside
this beautiful lake to recuperate a little from our fatigue.