Global Com Blog


RingBlog ver.2.45a

2007年 8月 20日 (月) 07:58

by Takuma

Saltzburg is the fourth largest city in Austria with a population of 145,000.
This city is famous for being Mozart’s birthplace. It is known as “The Music City”.
The day’s weather was perfect. After breakfast I took a morning walk of about one hour with my wife. This photo was taken from a spot near the Saltzach river which was about a 20 minute walk from our hotel.
We visited the house of Mozart’s birth and saw his childhood room and his memorial exhibit. The rooms that we were allowed to see were three rooms on the fourth
floor of a five story apartment. He lived in this apartment until he was seven years old.The color of the apartment was yellowish, but the tour conductor told me
that it is called the “Maria Theresa” color. The apartment was located in the center of the city. Salzburg has many churches, as well as the famous concert hall in which Mozart’s 200th anniversary concert will be held at the end of this year. There were seven children in Mozart’s family, but only two, Mozart and his sister, survived to adulthood. In that age many people in Europe died prematurely from pestilence.