Global Com Blog


RingBlog ver.2.45a

2007年 11月 17日 (土) 12:52

by Paul Stone


My name is Paul, so now there are two teachers called Paul at this school. I think this might become quite confusing, so let me introduce myself to you.

I come from England and was born in Manchester, which is famous for cotton and football. You are probably familiar with the football team Manchester United, but please don't mention them to me because I like the other team from Manchester: Manchester City! Incidentally, Manchester City beat Manchester United earlier this year (although only by a narrow margin)!

When I was very young I moved to a place called Cornwall in the south of England. Cornwall is popular with tourists as it is very beautiful, with lots of beaches and countryside. There are no cities in Cornwall, so if I wanted to go shopping I had to travel for two hours to the nearest shopping centre. By the time I was 20, despite the beauty of Cornwall, I was very tired of this lifestyle – it got very boring living in such a rural area.

I am a new teacher at Global Communications, but I am not new to teaching. Neither am I new to Japan. The first time I came here was back in 2001 to play some small live concerts in Tokyo. I was here for three weeks and loved every second of it. I met lots of nice people and had some amazing experiences. I was also introduced to Japanese and Korean food for the first time (I spent some time in the Korean village in Shin-Okubo). I was quite surprised by some of the food at first, particularly shishamo! However, with time I have got used to it and love (most) Japanese food now! I then came to live in Japan in 2003 and stayed here, teaching English, until 2006. After that I returned home and studied teaching for a year before coming back to Japan recently!

I love food (especially spicy food like curry), reading, music, studying Japanese and traveling. I have been to most of Europe (in particular I love Croatia) and some Asian countries (Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and, of course, Japan). In Japan, I love Ishigaki island and Tokyo!

If you have any questions you want to ask me, or if you just want to say hello, then please feel free to do so!

Speak to you soon!