Global Com Blog


RingBlog ver.2.45a

2009年 5月 14日 (木) 18:00

Summer is Here!
by Aaron Toussaint

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all had a nice Golden Week. Sadly, the weather was not very nice. But for the past two weeks, the weather has been almost perfect. It has become very hot in Tokyo, and it is not yet humid. I think this might be the best time of year in the Kanto area.

I think the nicest thing about summer in Tokyo is waiting for the train. In the winter, it can get very cold waiting for the tarin outside. But in the summer, it is very pleasant to stand on the platform, especially if there is a nice breeze.

Also in the summer many restaruants in Tokyo put tables outside so you can sit and have a coffee or a meal and enjoy the weather. Tokyo gets hot and humid, but I still like eating outside. Where I come from, it is very hard to eat outside because there are so many insects. This is not a problem in Tokyo.

I am really looking forward to summer. It's my favorite season of the year.