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 10/21(火) 21:50

2008年 10月 21日 (火) 21:50

Autumn in Japan, Soon it will be Winter
by Aaron Toussaint

Well everyone, it is starting to get colcer. It seems like just yesterday that everyday was hot and humid. Now the humidity is gone, and I wear a jacket everyday. It is amazing how much the weather can change in just over one month!
I am from a very cold place. Minnesota is the coldest place in America outside of Alaska. Even though Minnesota winters are very, very cold (our record temperature is -51 degrees celcius!) winters in Minnesota are very comfortable. We have central heating, which we use 24 hours a day, our houses have thick insulation, we drink lots of hot beverages, like tea, coffee, and hot chocolate, and wear very thick coats outside. When I first moved to Tokyo, I thought winter here was horrible! People don't use heat at night, only blankets, houses usually do not have thick insulation, and Japanese winter coats are not very thick. Even though Tokyo is much warmer than Minnesota, I still liked Minnesota winter much more! Now I am a little more used to Tokyo winters, but I still wish my house had central heating. Every time I go outside recently I think about how it will soon be winter. To someone from Minnesota, winter in Tokyo is scary!